Dunphy Hardware
“Dunphy’s Hardgoods”
Scale: “HO”
Diorama Size:
7” x 9”
Another “Bar Mills Direct” kit makes this one, like all “Direct” offerings… a better value… more of the “good stuff” without additional middle-man mark-ups…. !
We figured it was about time for a “corner store”…. we hadn’t done one since “Booty Corner”, and between the addition of the “Sidewalks-In-A-Snap”, the “window fans”, and some cool upper story shingles (this is a pattern we’d only used in one kit before !) we knew we could come up with some special… not something “goofy” or “over-fantasized”… but some unique and realistic enough to find its’ way onto the finest layouts.
Admittedly it’s been awhile sinnce out last HO scale release (”Gibley’s Furniture”… still one of our best selling kits)… but this time around we just took it in a slightly different direction without losing the “Bar Mills” attitude.
The approach to this building is unique, it has a modest footprint, some cool architectural elements, more than a smattering of modeling challenges, and a not-so-high price tag !
This time around we’ve all but avoided classic “clapboard” construction, relying on the look of “square-wave” shingles & batten covered “tarpaper”. A custom laser-cut store is combined with traditional injection molded windows to help speed construction along.
Complete with several detail castings, some cool graphics, & even a sidewalk we only added a sprinkling of figures & a truck driving down the street to complete the scene.
If you were familiar with “Higgenbothom’s Coal”, “Pop Gracin’s Tire”, “American Seltzer”, “Hurst Boiler”, “Sokol’s” or “Schmidtchen’s” you probably have a good idea how our “1 of 500” series works… kits with a more modest footprint than our larger “Holiday-oriented” kits, but with all the detail. Yup, like the others before it this kit is destined to be discontinued down the road.
Anyway if you like a challenge (this one took me about 10 days of evenings to construct) and are looking for something out of the ordinary this may be for you. As usual we don’t include the figures or vehicles in the kit.
Available only directly
from Bar Mills.