The photos below are of our sales & clinic displays at the Springfield, Ma. railroad show in January of 2011. While we don’t always show-up with such a large entourage if you happen to run into us at one of these “special” events we hope uyou’ll stop by and say “hello” !
As usual, an truly great show. We took some photos of the Bar Mills clinic and model displays which we’ve posted below. Special thanks to clinicians Clark Kooning, Bill Brown, Mike Tylick & Jack Ellis for all of their efforts in providing our modeling friends with some entertaining and useful information on how to build scale structures !
An Interview With Art At The 2011 Show…
(Left To Right)… Jake & Lenny (Lenny is our production manager, Jake is his son… our “grandson”…. Clark Kooning (the “big guy”)… one of our clinicians…. Art (me)… Jack Ellis (clinician & Bar Mills staffer)… “Diamond Jim” Mooney (the best engineer in the hobby)… and “Nancy” (my wife and co-owner of Bar Mills Scale Models)
The Bar Mills Clinic Area
Master modeler Mike Tylick giving a hands-on one-on-one clinic
Jack Ellis giving one of his premier clinics in the main Bar Mills clinic tent area.
Narrow Gauge Convention, Augusta Maine
Open House Sept. 2016